Whispered Chronicles

Funnily, in the middle of maths class, but I just can't seem to focus on this taseless, desiccated topic of data collection. I'm thinking of how I'll organise these mini entries, and there just seems to be no suitable phrase to encapsulate these blobs of spontaneity. Despite my almost obsessive nature of categorising things, associating clarity, I've chosen to leave these title-less. Perhaps to protect the organic, raw nature of it, and minimise the eventual corruption that's bound to occur, to retain the authenticity of these isolated fragments of my diary.
In fact, I've been pretty worried about the performative nature that inherently comes with publishing ideas online. Yet, I tell myself that often, there are innumerous reasons to give up on the fleeting spark of creativity. So this year, I've decided to give things I would've let go of, or slip at the back of my head, just all seemingly avid interest a shot, to free myself from these likely overexaggerated frets, and the likelihood of the regret of adults' sighs during happy hour, their reminiscences of the past and the things they never dared do.